If You’re a Parent…
Since the day that you held your newborn child, you have had a sense of awe and wonder for their life. More than likely, you’ve never stopped observing the little things that make them special… their personality, the way that they gravitate toward certain people, their skills, gifts, talents, their sense of humor…. Life Purpose Planning will help you outline and understand and articulate the things that God has been doing their whole life!
Support Tools
By itself, it’s a simple resource. But when combined with God, a mentor and/or parent, a student will see exponential possibilities. Here are a few of the features available:

While teens are mostly concerned about general direction beyond high school, parents can use the Life Purpose Planning Course to intentionally pursue, understand, and support their child’s dreams. It’s a structured excuse to talk about their life. Life Purpose Planning is a relationship builder, a discipleship tool, and confidence booster for both parent and child.
“And He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” Malachi 4:6

If You’re a Mentor…
You have a platform with a young person and are not afraid to use it! You love helping the next generation filter ideas and connect to real-life opportunities. You are actively involved in life-to-life discipleship!
Life Purpose Planning is a fresh way to come alongside, encourage, and disciple world changers. Far too often, teens are relegated to today’s urgencies, low expectations, or clichés. You can change this.
We invite you to link arms with these individuals and change the world… together!
Ready to facilitate some engaging conversations about life? Here’s a great list of questions to help get you started.
The material was so practical. I especially appreciated the emphasis on building relationships with our young adults. The questioning process with specific ideas on types of inquiries really does help both student and parent get to the core of what really motivates.